In Book One of THE BLANCHARDS WITCHES...Who is Demitra Blanchard?
Demitra Blanchard is the middle daughter of Olympia and mother to Beryl and Fable. She is in her late forties yet (like her sister Artemis) looks far younger. Perhaps its the potions, herbs, and cremes she and her sister whip up from scratch. Demitra was married to Larry Mariner for many years until he died while her daughters were still in high school. She was deeply in love with him and has remained his widow all these years.

Demitra works occasionally with the police department--or more specifically Chief Charlie Bennet. Whenever there is a particularly difficult case and the trail has reached a dead end, Demitra comes in with her skilled psychic abilities and helps discover new leads. Not all of the police department respect her involvement, but Chief Bennet knows first hand Demitra is no fraud. Her husband Larry was his dearest friend.
When not helping with a criminal investigation, Demitra and her sister Artemis often concoct potions and talisman for neighbors who reach out with specific problems. Halloween is an especially busy time for the Blanchard sisters because as they hand out candy to the trick or treating children, they also dispense charms and elixirs to eager parents.
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